The CryoArc Pico -190°C LN2-Based Automated Storage System provides researchers and clinicians with a best-in-class storage system for cellular products and biosamples. The system fits right into your sample management and automation workflow by combining a high-efficiency LN2 stainless steel freezer with the Azenta Life Sciences automation technology and software to ensure the highest sample integrity.
The CryoArc Pico -190°C LN2-Based Automated Storage System offers robust sample protection, comprehensive inventory management, and temperature control with superior user experience at an affordable price. Targeted and non-targeted samples are protected from warming above Tg (glass transition) throughout sample retrieval. Sample integrity is secured with user access permissions, sample inventory, history, and audit-trail reports. Cryo-critical features provide 10 days of temperature stability in the case of energy or LN2 loss.
Built-in inventory management along with access control enables diligent record-keeping and traceability, providing chain-of-custody records. The ergonomic design with vending-machine styled housing protects staff from exposure to liquid nitrogen or awkward postures while accessing samples.
Since samples stay enclosed within the temperature-controlled tower during the selection process, sample exposure to ambient temperatures is reduced compared with manual selection. The CryoArc Pico is a complete sample management solution with labware flexibility designed to support automated workflows.
- Compatible with a range of labware, such as cryoboxes, vials, and microplates
- Full vial- or cassette-level inventory tracking
Complete -190°C vapor storage environment* - Common software between all Azenta cryogenic automated storage systems
Software provides accurate real-time audit reports - LIMS connectivity and system partitioning for shared use
- Temperature protection for non-targeted tubes held within insulating tower
- Ergonomic design for simple user experience and minimized injury risk
- 10-day hold time in case of catastrophic interruption of electrical or LN2 supply
- Proven technology based on Azenta Life Sciences expertise and industry leading cryogenic freezers
*Temperature variation is +/- 6°C due to thermocouple variation and thermal loading
Sample Integrity, Security & Tracking
- Consistent -190°C temperatures achieved from top to bottom using LN2 vapor
- A sample integrity calculator protects samples from excessive warming by predicting their temperatures based on experimental evidence
- Integrity is further enhanced by protecting innocent samples from transient exposures during storage and retrieval
- Racks are quickly pulled into an insulated sleeve, significantly slowing transient warming
- Full manual access if power or LN2 are disrupted
- Comprehensive inventory management with vial-level ID, audit trail, reports, and LIMS connectivity
- Controller software and touchscreen enable efficient order management and execution
- Easy-to-use graphical interface permits tube-level inventory management plus sample storage, retrieval, and auditing
- The software monitors storage environment data and has comprehensive error handling
- LIMS connectivity is available for real-time sample management
- Full 21-CFR-11 reporting capability is available
- Administrator-defined libraries and access control can optimize the system as a shared resource